
METRO Cash & Carry Petrovka expresses gratitude to the staff of the Corcel Ltd. for high-quality work in the field of transportation.
The advantages of this company are reliability, efficiency and comfort.
They provide customers a full range of logistics services.
All tasks are carried out by the Corcel in accordance with customer requirements, with high quality and timely.
We recommend the logistics company Corcel as a reliable and professional partner.
Testimonial by the Director of METRO Petrovka Sinevid D.V.

The LLC Fudmarket is grateful for the cooperation with the Corcel.
During the time that our company has been working with the company Corcel, it was clear that the company is positioning itself as a reliable logistics operator, and committed to continuous improvement of its logistics services.
We wish you success and prosperity!
Testimonial by the Dushko I.M.

Unitech Ltd. Ukraine expresses its gratitude for the fruitful cooperation and confirms Corcel status – reliable company as a logistics partner.
We wish you success and prosperity!
Testimonial by the CEO Grobova V.I.

During the period of joint work “Сorсel” has established itself as a reliable logistics company, whose employees have a quick and professional approach to each order. LLC “Corcel” is a worthy partner on the market of international transportation.
Thank you for your work! We hope for further fruitful cooperation.
Testimonial by Levenstam V.V. – LLC “Fozzy-Food” (Silpo).

Private enterprise “ASTA” expresses its gratitude to the staff of the “Corcel” company for fruitful cooperation.
We`ve been working with the “Corcel” company since 2009.
We can note high qualifications and competence of the experts of “Corcel” in the sphere of international transportation.
During this cooperation the company proved itself as a reliable partner who always fulfills its obligations, and is willing to offer all possible assistance in the case of difficulties.
Testimonial by the director of PE “ASTA“ – Ivanchenko V.N.

LLC “Wine Bureau” (Good Wine) expresses its gratitude to the staff of the “Corcel” company for quality work and respectable partnerships, manifested in the provision of logistics services at an international level. Managers of Corcel have very responsible attitude to every order and always take into account all wishes of the client.
Separately I would like to note the efficiency and competence of employees. It`s very pleasant to deal with professionals.
We look forward to further strengthening of our fruitful cooperation.
Testimonial by Logistics Manager of the LLC “Bureau WINE“ (Good Wine) – Victoria Pimenova.

In the sphere of international cargo transportation company LLC “The Group of Companies “SODRUZHESTVO” has been cooperating with “Corcel” LLC from 2015.
During that time the “Corcel” company proved itself as a reliable partner, providing high-quality services on time and in full.
Employees of the company have shown a high level of professionalism in the selection of vehicles and the issuing of the financial documentation. I would also like to note the flexible financial policy of the Company that takes into account different wishes of the customer.
We are grateful for the work done and look forward to further cooperation.
Testimonial by Head of Commercial Department of LLC “Group of companies “SODRUZHESTVO“- Yavorskaya N.N.

Cooperation with your company has started recently, but for the time that we have been working together, we have not received a single failure with regards to immediate delivery.
Thank you for an expert advice, tactful approach, timely delivery of goods.
We hope for further mutually beneficial cooperation.
Testimonial by the Regional Manager of Industrial Veterinaria S.A. (Invesa) – Adolfo Peres.

The “Corcel” company has been a reliable logistics partner of “Logrus” since 2008. During all the time of our cooperation “Corcel” has established itself only with the best hand: perfect fulfillment of contractual obligations, product delivery on time, high-quality documentation, providing of transport as soon as possible, comprehensive advice on logistics, etc.
Head of “Corcel” Anna Khaustova in any, even the most difficult situation, manifests herself as a high-skilled and a wise leader, that today is a fairly rare occurrence in the logistics sector.
We thank the staff of the “Corcel” company for the excellent and long-lasting cooperation. And we recommend it to anyone who appreciates quality and reliability in relationships with partners.
Testimonial by the director of private enterprise “Logrus“ – Krasilovets I.N.

LLC “TVK Ramos” sincerely thanks the “Сorсel” company for the quality of provided services. Within 5 years of cooperation with “Corcel” it has established itself as a reliable logistics operator. Employees of the company have with a responsible approach to the client’s objectives and always fulfill their obligations.
The professionalism of the team makes it easy to find a way out of difficult situations. Therefore, we are always confident that the goods, which are transported by “Corcel”, will be delivered on time and undamaged.
We wish you continued prosperity and growth.
Testimonial by the director of the LLC “TVK Ramos“ – Rybak A.V.

Our company, Maderas Seleccinadas del Este S.I., collaborates with the largest supplier of the European oak, which is situated in Berezhany (Ukraine), where we supply our products, mainly in Spain and other EU countries from.
For transportation of our goods we use services of the Corcel company, which we have been cooperating for many years with. And we always get services at the highest quality level.
Testimonial by the director of Maderas Seleccinadas del Este S.I.

Pavimentos Arrondo S. A. has been cooperating with the transport company Corcel, which is located in Kharkov, in the past 11 years. The company provides high-quality logistics services for export and import of our products.
During long period of time Corcel shows a good job, fulfilling all its obligations, provides transportations of our goods by its modern fleet of vehicles, which gives us confidence in the safety and timeliness of delivery.
Testimonial by the director Pavimentos Arrondo S.A. – Juan José Arrondo.