Since 2008, Corsel has been providing services in Ukraine and Europe related to transport and logistics support for our clients' businesses. Corsel's head office is located in Kharkov, with branches in Kyiv, Dnipro and Odessa. Since 2015, we have been actively developing branches in the EU. Thanks to constant development, today we are one of the few Ukrainian logistics service providers offering a full range of services. Corsel's core competence is international transportation. We speak Ukrainian, Polish, English and Spanish. Over the course of our work, the Corsel team has learned to meet the needs of our clients in a coordinated and planned manner. If there is a need to communicate with your suppliers or clients during transportation, there will be no problems with this. Due to the fact that the owners of Corsel are directly involved in the operational management of the company, we are always flexible and truly attentive to the client and the proposed solution.

Отримати консультацію
Фахівці компанії Corcel відповідять на всі ваші запитання, що стосуються переміщення вантажу чи його оформленню, та докажуть що міжнародні перевезення це просто, для цього заповніть форму, або звʼяжіться з нами за нашими контактами:
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Get consultation
Corcel specialists will answer all your questions regarding the movement of cargo or its registration, and will prove that international transportation is simple, to do this, fill out the form or contact us using our contacts: